


Our breath is our connection with the source of all life.  Fully utilizing this gift is one of the most simple & effective ways to enhance our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  It is a profoundly transformative tool, hiding right under our noses. It’s free and accessible to anyone that breathes. This precious gift of oxygen comes from the plants and trees. It is yet another form of plant medicine we can use in our healing tool kit from the natural world.

There are many forms of breathwork, or pranayama as it’s known in the yoga world. The style I facilitate is an active and conscious connected breathing technique that is done while lying down.  It is a rhythmic two part inhale, deep into the belly and then into the heart, with a relaxed exhale. It is done in a circular pattern with no pauses in between. It is similar to holotropic, Transformational or re-birthing breathwork techniques. I personalize each practice and incorporate affirmations, music, and guided meditation that meet the group or individual intentions that we set at the beginning of our practice. My role is to hold safe & supportive space for you to dive into the healing power of your own breath. 

Breathe as if you are the sky and every breeze belongs to you.
— Jaiya John

Typical Session Overview:

The sessions are typically about 1.5 - 2 hours long and are broken up into roughly three parts: Introduction & Intention Setting, Active Breathing, Rest & Integration. There are a wide range of sensations that you may feel and each person experiences the breathwork differently for each session.  It can be quite powerful and profound.  Many people have expressed that it feels like years of therapy in one session. Breathing in this way floods our bodies with oxygen and energy flows into the body.  Typically you will experience tingling and vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release.  It is balancing to our nervous system, gives a boost for the immune system increasing white blood count, and opens our hearts to heal trauma and release emotions.  It can also give us clarity where we feel stuck,  give us access to expanded states of consciousness, increase our intuition, provide inner peace & deep relaxation, increase joy & happiness, validate self worth, and open the channel to greater connection to self, Source, and all life.  In short, Breathwork clears out what is no longer serving you to make space for you to embrace your authenticity & embody your greatest potential.  

Contraindications: It is safe for nearly everyone. However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor if you are pregnant or have cardiovascular health issues, seizures, detached retina, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, are on heavy medication, or had any recent surgery. Please contact me if you have any health questions or concerns.

Group, Private, & Couples Session:

You can experience Breathwork session with me in a few different ways. I offer private one on one, group, and couple’s sessions both in person or virtually. To sign up or inquire please contact me directly via email. The group sessions are more economical and offer the supportive community vibe and the collective energy of doing this work together. The private and couples sessions are more personalized and tailored to your particular intentions and focus. All of them are designed to help you move through the areas of your life where you may feel stuck. This can be relationships, your personal growth, processing & feeling emotions, etc. Once you are registered for a session I will provide more details on what to expect in a session and what will be most supportive for you to be prepared for the session. Most sessions are offered in the Elemental Center Yurt at the Bark Eater Inn but sometimes I offer them at local yoga studios, at retreats, online via zoom for remote folks. Pictures below show the yurt and lands surrounding the pond.

Group Sessions: $40 per person ~ Private Individual or Couple’s Sessions: $150

Upcoming Breathwork Sessions:

I have the pleasure of facilitating Breathwork and Yoga at the The Plant Cunning Conference. A 3-day in-person event featuring speakers, workshops, plant walks, artists, and live music to build community and resiliency with people wise to the ways of Nature at the beautiful Cohosh Creek Herb Farm and Sanctuary in Central New York. The speakers lined up are some of the most inspiring thought leaders, authors, herbalist, astrologers and gardeners of our time. There will be a wonderful array of offerings. Check out the full schedule and descriptions of the offerings on the website HERE.

Past Breathwork Events:

My Breathwork Teachers:

I believe it is so important to honor our teachers. I am so thankful for the knowledge and inspiration I have received from their work and service. I most recently completed David Elliott’s Breathwork Healer Training in the fall of 2021. Prior to that I completed a training with John Paul Crimi in the winter of 2020. Other teachers and facilitators that I have practiced with and learned a great deal from include; ALisa Starkweather, Dr. Crystal Dawn Silas, Pam Montgomery, Brigitte Toussaint, Christian Minson & Pepper Monroe. I encourage you to explore their offerings too! I intend to be a student of my breath & the diverse teachings of breathwork for a lifetime.